Brad and Fliss must also both survive the chapter "Pressure", by smashing the hinge twice with the shovel.
Fliss and Brad must also recognize each other, when they meet after their respective chapters "Ritual" and "Finding Friends".
Make sure that Conrad doesn't escape on the speedboat and that Brad stays hidden on the Duke of Milan.
If you, however, set the game up correctly with your choices, you will reach this chapter and play as Fliss. 4 of the Shared Story only Collectables are found in the chapter "Glamour Girl", where in the main game you will play as Conrad. For example, the 7 Shared Story only collectables, are split into 2 chapters. This means that the collectables that are normally only obtained in Shared Story, can also be obtained in Curator's Cut. In Curator's Cut, you will instead be playing as Alex, during this scene. In the first scene where Alex is talking to Brad, normally you will play as Brad. But in Curator's Cut, you will be playing as Charlie. For example, in the prologue, you normally play as Joe. The way that Curator's Cut differs from the normal story, is that it allows you to play through the game as the alternate character in each chapter.